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How to Install Skype 8.13 on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint
by Ravi Saive | Published: January 23, 2018 | Last Updated: February 2, 2018
Skype is a most popular software application developed by Microsoft that is largely used for Instant Messaging and for Audio and Video calls and Video conferencing call. Among these features, Skype can also be used for screen sharing, file sharing and text and voice messaging.
In this article we will cover the process of installing the most recent version of Skype (8.13) in Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint distributions.
Update: The official Skype is now available to install from snap store on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, including Linux Mint, which is maintained and updated by Skype themselves.
You can also install Skype using .deb package in your Linux distribution, first visit Skype official download page and download the most recent (latest) available version of the Skype for Linux in your system by following the download link from browser or use open a Terminal window and download the package using following wget command line utility.
After the download finishes, proceed with Skype installation process, by opening a terminal and run the following command with root privileges in your machine.
After the installation process finishes, start Skype application by navigating to Application Menu -> Internet -> Skype in Linux Mint distribution.
Start Skype in Linux Mint
On Ubuntu distribution, launch Dash and search for Skype.
To start Skype from the Linux command line, open a terminal and type skypeforlinux in console.
Sign In to Skype with the Microsoft account or press on Create Account button and follow the instructions in order to create a new Skype account and freely communicate with your friends, family or co-workers.
Итог: How to Install Skype 8.13 on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint by Ravi Saive | Published: January 23, 2018 | Last Updated: February 2, 2018 Skype is a most popular software application developed
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